In 2020, Be 100 Wellness was founded from a space of Love, Acceptance, Peace, Purpose, Authenticity and Wholeness. As we talked with our friends, family, and ladies we met, we realized that many of us were operating on auto pilot, under a tremendous amount of stress mirroring a simple existence versus thriving in our growth and purpose. With this realization, we decided to create a business to support ourselves as we grow in our personal journeys, and our communities with an overall goal of creating a more authentic peaceful life filled with purpose.
We were so excited to start this new journey of working with women to achieve these life changing goals, we dived into creating and launching our business. We were unaware of the many obstacles we would face, internal and external. Shortly after our launch in 2021, we put overall business progression on hold and the actual work of our healing and processes of self care began.
Engaging in our spiritual and mindfulness practices, we recognized how shame and fear were ruling and manifesting in our lives and business - presenting themselves as fear of rejection, and shame for not authentically showing up in our own lives. It is amazing how underlying programs rule our lives. We determined that continued healing had to take place, giving ourselves grace, love, and compassion in the process. This intensified our purpose. During it all we learned to trust and shift to a space of Love and Knowing. Intentionally practicing self love and knowing that God will allow us to operate in our gifts and purpose.
With that being said, we are extremely excited to announce that Be 100 Wellness is Back! Since 2020 here’s what we have been up to. Collaboratively, we have attended several Mindfulness, Wellness Webinars and Retreats. Brandi is participating in a cohort with the Nutritious Life Studio and upon completion she will obtain her certification as a Holistic Nutrition Coach. She is also completing her 200-hour yoga certification in Vinyasa from the Get Loved Up online certification course. Brandi also received certification from Harvard Business School’s Leadership Program focusing on Emotional Intelligence, Mastery of Self and Leading others. Trekessa is completing her Life Coaching certification from Transform Coaching Academy with intention of obtaining credentialing from the International Coaching Federation. She is also a 200-hour certified yoga instructor in Kemetic Yoga and currently completing her 200-hour yoga certification in Vinyasa from the Get Loved Up online certification course with Brandi. Our Goal is to better enrich ourselves and combine all the tools and practices along with life teachings to provide a more holistic experience for you. Expect more inspiration, mind-body-spirit health tips in our blogs, 1:1 and group coaching, online yoga classes and wellness merchandise all coming soon.
Today, we are inviting you to join us on our journey to create something special. Our passion and mission at Be100 Wellness is helping women to create the life they love. Speaking of something special and living the life you love, Be100 will be in Bali next month continuing to engage in our personal self care practices and business development. Follow our stories on Facebook and Instagram to experience Bali with us #Be100inBali. Stay tuned to be100wellness.com for our website evolution to see the progression of the business unfolding. If you already know that you would like support and to talk to us, please feel free to reach out at be100wellness@gmail.com. We would love to hear from you!
In Peace, Grace, Gratitude and Love,
Brandi and Trekessa
Be100 Wellness
~Helping women create the life they love~